Category: Applications
Woodworm: Remote Desktop (XRDP)
Setup Samba Server on Raspberry Pi
Arduino IDE on Raspberry Pi
- download, extract, and run ./
- add board manager (esp8266)
- ide shows two ports, but only one works: /dev/ttyUSBO as it’s shown on the picture (lower USB-3)
- same problem I’ve had with 32-bit system
- esp32 is not available for arm64
- attiny 85 has a problem with board manager

Add office to Raspberry Pi 64-bit
64-bit Buster is missing everything (as of Sep 2020), so let install office applications.
sudo apt install libreoffice -y
That’s it.
Install Firefox on Raspberry Pi
To Whom It May Concern: if you like Firefox, you can install it:
sudo apt install firefox-esr