Raspberry Pi OS (64-bit Buster) Installation

They “still recommend the 32 bit operating system for all Pis at this time, although have decided it is now time to begin the move toward a 64-bit OS. For the moment this is a ‘beta’ program, the OS is in heavy flux and its functionality is likely to change significantly over the next few months…”


  • Still beta, for how long? There is Ubuntu 64-bit, but I  just like Raspbian (Raspberry OS)
  • Almost nothing included, even repository is half full, half empty


  • Adventure!! You do not know what to expect!!
  • 64-bit system, so you have a chance to get newer/latest version of software (some developers/companies dropped support for 32-bit systems, for ex:
    – Visual Code
    – MongoDB
  • I think it’s running faster
  • Overstep the limit of 4GB of the memory: Raspberry Pi 4 / 8GB

The one thing I would recommend for now, do not follow the link to download image. Just go:


You  should see more folders there, dig into the most recent, and download (click) .zip file with the image. Write the image on SD card, USB drive (using for ex: win32diskimager), put into the slot, since Sep 2020 Raspberry Pi 4 can boot directly from USB without SD card –  and start the system. Just install OS on ANY (small, slow, etc.) card, change the settings running


… remove card, burn image on USB drive, and get everything installed on it.

Source: Raspberry Pi OS (64 bit) beta test version – Raspberry Pi Forums

Arduino IDE on Raspberry Pi

  • download, extract, and run ./install.sh
  • add board manager (esp8266)
  • ide shows two ports, but only one works: /dev/ttyUSBO as it’s shown on the picture (lower USB-3) 
  • same problem I’ve had with 32-bit  system
  • esp32 is not available for arm64
  • attiny 85 has a problem with board manager

Formatting an SDXC card for use with NOOBS [32-bit]

The standard formatting tools built into Windows are limited, as they only allow partitions up to 32GB to be formatted as FAT32, so to format a 64/128GB partition as FAT32 you need to use a third-party formatting tool.

A simple tool to do this is FAT32 Format which downloads as a single file named guiformat.exe – no installation is necessary.
GUI version does not work with more than one USB connected devices and SD card adapter is not the first one. I had to download command line version fat32format.exe

Run the SD Formatter tool first to ensure that any other partitions on the SD card are deleted. Then run the FAT32 Format (guiformat.exe) tool, ensure you choose the correct drive letter, leave the other options at their default settings, and click “Start”. After it has finished, you can proceed with the rest of the NOOBS instructions.


Raspberry Pi 4 Overclocking

Did not run any benchmarks, but it seems to run faster. Better use a special case with active (preferred) or passive cooling (in my case, the system was unstable at 2GHz)

So, run editor:

sudo nano /boot/config.txt

Pi 32-bit: find [pi4] and add after for 2GHz (64-bit Buster: there is a line #arm_freq=800):


