Raspberry Pi 4 Overclocking

Did not run any benchmarks, but it seems to run faster. Better use a special case with active (preferred) or passive cooling (in my case, the system was unstable at 2GHz)

So, run editor:

sudo nano /boot/config.txt

Pi 32-bit: find [pi4] and add after for 2GHz (64-bit Buster: there is a line #arm_freq=800):



Raspberry OS: Add a printer

It’s just a part of “64-bit” project, to get as much as possible working/running on Pi 64-bit OS

To Add printer just install CUPS

sudo apt install cups

Add current user to the new group

sudo usermod -a -G lpadmin pi

The system has found my wi-fi connected Brother. If you want more, follow the link bellow.

Admin page, by default, is at:


Config file:

sudo nano /etc/cups/cupsd.conf

Source: Add a printer on your Raspberry Pi
