Raspberry Pi 4 Overclocking

Did not run any benchmarks, but it seems to run faster. Better use a special case with active (preferred) or passive cooling (in my case, the system was unstable at 2GHz)

So, run editor:

sudo nano /boot/config.txt

Pi 32-bit: find [pi4] and add after for 2GHz (64-bit Buster: there is a line #arm_freq=800):


or for 2.1GHz

reboot Raspberry Pi and check with system utility:

or monitor the speed with

watch -n 1 vcgencmd measure_clock arm

You can try:

arm_freq=2147 – MAX!!

The system went down last night… I came home and I had to “restart it manually” – unplug power and plug it back

Just for information, here are the cases used for Pi 4:

  1. GeeekPi Acrylic Case for Raspberry Pi 4 (4GB 2.1GHz), running 24/7 as a web-server
  2. Aluminum Alloy Cover for Raspberry Pi 4 (2GB 2GHz) used for IoT. It’s “acceptably” hot.
  3. Better to buy a case with GPIO Extender (see link/picture below). There is a problem to connect some Extension Boards to Pi using 40-pin cable
  4. Where to buy?- Acrylic Case for Raspberry Pi 4
    Cooling Aluminum Alloy Cover for Raspberry Pi 4 Module B c GPIO Extender
    Aluminum Alloy Case Protective Shell Metal Enclosure for Raspberry Pi 4


  1. Benchmarked: Raspberry Pi 4 Hits 2 GHz with New Firmware
  2. Overclocking of the Raspberry Pi 4
  3. https://magpi.raspberrypi.org/articles/how-to-overclock-raspberry-pi-4

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